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MeToo WhatNow?

A journey of healing, identity, and purpose for survivors of trauma and abuse.

5 Stars - Life Changing


Discovering Identity and Healing Together

At MeToo WhatNow, I empower survivors of childhood trauma to embrace their true selves, encouraging healing through self-discovery and support for overcoming fear, shame, and guilt.

woman hugging other woman while smiling at beach
woman hugging other woman while smiling at beach
Empower Your True Self
Healing Through Self-Discovery

Join me on a journey of recovery, where I provide information, guidance and coaching from a survivors perspective to help you navigate the complexities of trauma and emerge stronger, more authentic, and connected to others.

Getting Started in Finding Yourself

The questions below are some of the lifelong and haunting questions survivors experience almost every day. In many cases, due to shame and fear, they suffer silently, feeling like they're unable, or prefer not to reach out for help. With MeToo WhatNow, I've been able to help answer questions like:

  • Why am I so angry?

  • When do I get to be happy?

  • What is wrong with me?

  • Why don't I even feel like a human?

  • Why can't I be normal?

  • When does this end?

  • Who am I?

There's no question getting answers to arrive at a place of healing is difficult, and in most cases, it's a journey that can take years. I've learned that having relationships with other survivors made a significant difference in my recovery.

Many survivors felt the same frustration, anger, hopelessness, and other harmful and self-defeating thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It was only a matter of time until I discovered that I wasn't alone.

When I began to develop relationships with other survivors, it made a big difference in my progress and theirs.

Healing Through Other Surviors

Interested in Meeting Ed?

I'm here to connect with you and support you on your journey of healing and self-discovery. Reach out for guidance and encouragement.

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